Sunday, September 2, 2012

Labor Day Weekend - 2012  I can't believe this summer is over, that in two short days, another school year will begin.  My summers always fly by, but then again, it seems to me that life is like that, always rushing by often leaving me breathless.  This summer I visited Seattle for the first time where my oldest, dearest friend, Amy, and her family, live.  It was 9 days of new adventures, breathtaking scenery, amazing food, and excellent company.  We swapped stories and reminisced about our days a young girls in Massachusetts.  I have known her for 40 years - WOW!

As I write this, our oldest, Rebecca, is preparing to leave for a semester in Vietnam - VIETNAM?  The girl who went just an hour away from home to college is now going to be living nearly 9,000 miles away for 3 1/2 months - again, WOW!  I could not be more thrilled for her, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't going to miss her tremendously.  I can't wait to see who she is when she gets back.  Rebecca, ever open, ever curious, ever growing, is about to expand in ways none of us has even dreamed of - and one more time, WOW!

While she is gone, our focus will be on Rachael and her senior year in high school.  I feel as if our whole family is on the threshold of a huge changes, and I am excited to see where they take us!  So, welcome September with your buttery yellow sunshine and your lengthening shadows.  Welcome September with your cool nights and crisp mornings; you always feels "new" to me, and I am ready.

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